I spent the past week in Chicago at the National Private Duty Conference. There was alot of information shared amongst colleagues, business owners of agencies, lawyers, geriatric care managers, and caregivers. The highlight of the conference was when David Wolfe our keynote speaker spoke, on Ageless Marketing. He spoke mostly about ageism in our society and it's perceptions. We spoke about healing not only for the aging population but for the caregiver especially the children of aging parents. Yes, we all need healing. When caring for a loved one we must take care of the whole family. Family Caregivers Network understands exactly that. We focus on being the advocate for consumer and their families. We understand that help is needed for not only the patient but also the caregiver and family. Education and Support are a big part of what is needed for the family caregiver. Addressing the spritual and emotional aspects of aging is so important and often neglected. Most family caregivers don't allow enough time for themselves which depletes their inner cup of energy. So for all family caregivers out there I ask you to take a few hours each week for yourself. If you are unsure how to replenish your inner cup let me know. At Family Caregivers we can help you. The hardest part is just asking for help.
Until I hear from you remember we are all aging, each hour, each day, each year. You can never get back yesterday but you can plan for tomorrow. Take care!