At Family Caregivers Network we provide family caregivers with a monthly support group. It is a night out away from caregiving. We provide a free meal and valuable educational information. Our Registered Nurse is present to give advice to our caregivers. In the past 9 years there have been many family caregivers who have come and gone. Then there are the select few who continue to come each month for the support, guidance, and friendship of the other caregivers.
Support groups are an important part of the caregiving process. Whether you are a direct caregiver providing hands on care, or indirect caregiver providing supportive care from afar, you need to be part of a support group. But with today's schedules and family committments not everyone can take the time to attend a support group meeting. Many family caregivers don't want to ask for help with a loved one so they can attend a support group meeting. And so the stress continues to build and the support structure falls apart. Eventually we see "caregiver burnout", signs of elder abuse, and health issues with the caregiver.
At Family Caregivers Network we felt the need to do more than just hold our community support group meetings. While community support group meetings remain the most important way for caregivers to obtain respite and support once a month, we wanted to reach all caregivers. With the development of our online support group will be able to reach any interested caregiver. Watch our blog and website for more info on the future of our Online Caregiver Support Group. Until then enjoy reading our blog and share our info with a friend.