Most individuals get involved with how to finance long term care when they or a loved one needs assistance with their care. Usually it begins when the elder or disabled loved one are still at home. Many family caregivers or members try to do it alone because they either do not know about resources available or think they can't afford to pay for the help. What many family caregivers find out is that they can afford long term care assistance by using many different avenues of funding to pay for care. Below is an article about the use of trusts and financial planning when it comes to Elder Care or the care of a disabled loved one. The information provided by Marco Chayet and Dawn Hewitt from the law firm of Chayet and Danzo in Colorado is an excellent resource for every family caregiver. If you would like more information about how to fund long term care please call us at Family Caregivers Network. We have the resources and information to assist you in your long term care planning. Your comments are welcomed.
Using Trusts in Elder Care and Financial Planning — Inside Elder Care
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